Free Download BBM MOD Wood V2.9.0.51

Free Download BBM MOD Wood V2.9.0.51 

Welcome to my webblog, first i would like to introduce my self as an owner of, and here, i would like to give you and information about Android Apps which has been modified by an Indonesian modder named Ciben Doank.
He has succesfully made an modding Apps and he call it BBM MOD Wood, hmm what is it look like? is it a new social media?
No, it is an apps BBM (BlackBerry Messangers) which has modified by him, when it has new background style and new some features that make you fell fun when you are using this BBM MOD.
And if you try to think your BBM Background is simple thing, keep try BBM MOD wood, and enjoy your chatting with your another else

Features Of BBM MOD Wood
  1. Lock Mode
  2. Shimmer DP
  3. Post Image To FB
  4. Dynamic Carrier Name in Mod By
  5. Setting DP Shape
  6. Full DP
  7. Change Font from your file manager
  8. No Crop DP
  9. Font Face
  10. Auto Text
  11. Private Mode
  12. Change Log
  13. No BackUp Free Sticker
  14. No Clone Version
  15. Etc


Credit And Thanks
  1. Dhian Rusdhiana
  2. Trangga Ken
  3. Arz
  4. Yoyocx S Praditya PUtra
  5. My Begal Team
  6. FB BBFAI Group
  7. All Member
  8. All Mastah
It is cool right? so just Download this apps now

Download via AppBox

Mod By: Ciben Doank
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1 Response to "Free Download BBM MOD Wood V2.9.0.51"

  1. Mantap gan :D
    Jangan lupa kunjung balik gan
